CARBOHYDRATES - Friend of Foe?

Carbohydrates have been demonized. Not all are created equal. 

The list of carbohydrates below starts with what carbs to MAXIMIZE and what carbs to minimize in order to support a healthy mind and body


  • Leafy greens - Spinach, kale, romaine, spring mix, little gems, arugula

  • Non-starchy vegetables - Celery, cucumbers, fennel, zucchini 

  • Fruits! Berries have the least amount of sugar. So if you have cravings or blood sugar issues berries could be your best bet!

They provide LOTS of nutrients and antioxidants to support your goals! Whether it is to lose body fat, get stronger, or have more energy

What are your favorite color vegetables and fruits? 

Moderation with the below will give you sustained and high-quality energy because the body digests them slowly, they provide fiber for better gut health, and other vitamins essential for the body to function optimally

  • Starchy vegetable - Beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips

  • Gluten-free grains - Quinoa, millet, amaranth, brown rice, white rice, gluten-free oats  

  • Beans - Garbanzo, black, pinto, kidney, etc..

Recommended amount to maintain body weight: 

Cup your hand!

About 2 hand cups for the average man and 1 hand cup for the average female 


I bet you can guess these... 

  • Gluten, Sugar & Processed foods:

    • Cakes, pastries, cookies, ice cream. candy, bagels, soda, fruit juice 

So if you are lacking in energy, focus, motivation, or having trouble losing weight, you may want to focus on adding more of the complex carbs and minimize sugar and processed foods. 

WHY Minimize:

They have been linked to erectile dysfunction, Alzheimer’s, excess inflammation on the body, cancer, premature aging, kidney disease, high insulin levels leading to Type II Diabetes, joint pain, and arthritis.

If you consume simple carbohydrates you notice you want to eat again within an hour because your blood sugar spikes and crashes. This will continue to be a vicious cycle of hunger and stronger cravings.
They also deplete nutrient reserves in the body because they require many vitamins and minerals to be digested. PLUS, they don’t have any vitamins or minerals in them to replenish reserves in the body.

Why gluten-free?

  • Most crops in America are sprayed with glyphosate, which is a hormone disrupting chemical that can cause issues like PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, ADHD, ADD, anger issues, brain fog, gut health issues, and more... this is why I typically recommend focusing on the maximizing other sources of carbs.

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